I came across this photo in the book Maa…Siddheshwari by Savita Devi and Vibha S. Chauhan (Roli Books, 2000). Except for the names below, no other metadata (such as the name of the photographer, context, location, year) is recorded.
I thought the image was already somewhere on the web but a brief Google Image search drew a blank. Perhaps it is there and shows up with the right set of keywords. At any rate, I thought I would place it here.
PS: In the background are portraits of Abdul Karim Khan and (what looks like) Alladiya Khan.

Front row (l-r): B.R. Deodhar, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Amir Khan, Thirakhwa, Siddheshwari Devi, Bal Gandharva
Source: Maa…Siddheshwari by Savita Devi and Vibha S. Chauhan